Filmora Video Editor

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Total Reviews:251

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Upload to My YouTube channel successfully

I failed to upload the video to YouTube in the Filmora 9.3.0 recent days, and I surprised to find that you have fixed this bug and release a new version. Tried and successfully access to my YouTube channel. Quick response!

Bric - 2020-02-27 14:24:38

Continuous updates

I‘m very happy to see your product is continuously updating in the past years and the new Filmora version 9.3.0 is finally taking the "Beat Markers" to me. I like it.

Richard - 2020-01-17 10:49:51

Great update but I need some time to get familiar with the new UI

Obviously, you have done a great update this time, and I also used the new 9.1 on my computer. Undoubted, it works well and I also love it. But as a loyal Filmora user, I have to spend some time to familiar with the new UI design, this is a little bit trouble.

Elaine - 2019-04-12 11:59:27

Great update but I need some time to get familiar with the new UI

Obviously, you have done a great update this time, and I also used the new 9.1 on my computer. Undoubted, it works well and I also love it. But as a loyal Filmora user, I have to spend some time to familiar with the new UI design, this is a little bit trouble.

Elaine - 2019-04-12 11:59:27

great upgrade

I love this new version. Pretty easy-to-use.

Elaine Dee - 2019-03-26 15:32:35

great upgrade

I love this new version. Pretty easy-to-use.

Elaine Dee - 2019-03-26 15:32:35

Highly recommend it to my friends

It is the most excellent video editing software I have used. Very user-friendly interface and powerful features. Lots of fantastic effects help me create stunning videos for my son.

Stella - 2019-03-26 15:01:42

Highly recommend it to my friends

It is the most excellent video editing software I have used. Very user-friendly interface and powerful features. Lots of fantastic effects help me create stunning videos for my son.

Stella - 2019-03-26 15:01:42

I edit my vlog with filmora 9

FILMORA 9.1 is great,I edit my vlog with filmora 9

vic - 2019-03-26 14:44:01

I edit my vlog with filmora 9

FILMORA 9.1 is great,I edit my vlog with filmora 9

vic - 2019-03-26 14:44:01

A Bloooooody Useful Editor

With no doubt, Filmora is the best and friendly video editor I ever met. I am very appreciate that it always helps me a lot in creating many splendid thoughts.

Joey in the car - 2019-03-26 14:10:40

A Bloooooody Useful Editor

With no doubt, Filmora is the best and friendly video editor I ever met. I am very appreciate that it always helps me a lot in creating many splendid thoughts.

Joey in the car - 2019-03-26 14:10:40

Amazing Tools!

yaaayyy....I love Filmora,this video editor makes my life convenient and efficient! and i am in love with the new design and it's going the right way!!!

AiniShu - 2019-03-26 14:10:25

Amazing Tools!

yaaayyy....I love Filmora,this video editor makes my life convenient and efficient! and i am in love with the new design and it's going the right way!!!

AiniShu - 2019-03-26 14:10:25


i love the effects so much! nice software.

su - 2019-03-26 14:08:41