User Reviews

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254 Reviews Add Your Reviews

First priority

The priorities come first. So when it comes to managing your device this phone manager comes as a first priority without any doubt.

by Gill kaprowitch | 2017-01-19 04:20:54

iTransfer for Windows Review

When it comes to managing my gadgets and personal device, I am bit lazy and always find myself in mess. Thankfully tools like this get me out of it.

by Motte kelling | 2017-01-17 17:23:10

Use it smartly

My hard work paid off when I started using this product and now I become quite smart to use this phone manager in my device.

by Diesel | 2017-01-17 01:05:06

Gives good results

Most of the times if you have to give enough time to any product to get good results and I got perfect results after showing some patience.

by Angel warrne | 2017-01-16 02:28:32

Good management

I spent most of my time on Windows OS and I was looking for a dedicated software that can manage so many things just like this tool.

by Pattison | 2017-01-15 08:31:29

Teaches you a lot

An ideal software teaches you how to figure out a way out of problems and this is exactly what I could do using this software for mac.

by Mery parner | 2017-01-14 05:18:07

Great helping hand

For a professional person like me deadlines are very important and a phone manager like this has given me perfect helping hand to take care of those.

by Shaifali harding | 2017-01-13 02:38:48

Follow steps

The key lies in following all the steps given in description and no one can stop you from getting best results out of this product.

by Lavet hopes | 2017-01-12 07:57:31

Innovative thing

This phone management product has taught me how to use my device as an external drive. It is an innovative thing that I came to know.

by Morgan santer | 2017-01-11 07:55:24

Job done

This product has offered me a fighting chance to make my work to a new level. Now, my client is very happy with the way things are going on my recent project.

by Mason buffett | 2017-01-10 09:58:58